Thursday, August 16, 2007


Its been a long day today. Me is taking a break.

I started off by working on some DS problems and then switched over to OG-RC which turned out to be a good exercise. My accuracy rates when I practice RC are pretty good. But each time I have taken a test, I have messed up. Much of it is due to a lack of concentration.

Strategy-wise I have come to realize that reading the passage thoroughly once, and absorbing it completely works for me. At peak concentration, I can get all questions right without looking back at the passage. So, I have decided to back myself and go with this strategy.

Leaving the prep aside, I spend some time on the web looking a different forums, scanning for useful information on schools and looking through blogs. I have pretty much zeroed in on the schools that I plan to send my GMAT scores after the test. Here goes:

1. Wharton
2. Chigaco-GSB
3. Fuqua
4. ISB
5. Stern

Wharton is really something of a 'reach' school. Much depends on the score too. But the ones that I am really keen on are GSB and Fuqua - both programs that I have come to reallylike. ISB, besides being a real good school, gives me the option of staying back home and Stern is just because of NY :)

I had to leave out Tuck and INSEAD after much thought, but I may still apply depending on my score. And yeah, I sure as hell will apply to HBS/Stanford if I get that super score(read 760+)

As days go by, and especially after my GMAT, I plan to spend more and more time on researching these schools and their programs. As with everyone else, the scholarships will matter most, closely followed by the school location.......all this if I get to the schools I apply to!

Until next time, ciao!

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